20.05.2008. 06:53
please advice me of the correct dose os fish oil i suffer from mental stess that then effects my mental nervous system which then effects me totally..leading to slight form of depression and lack of attention and concentration...
many thanks
I have just been diagnosed with RA and want to take Omega 3 to help my condition but don't know the dosage. My areas that are effected are fingers, wrists and arms. I am 64 yrs and also take Boniva to keep my Osteopenia "at bay". I also just take calcium tabs and a multiple vitamin. Thanks for your help.
The dosage I take is one a day and the pills are 1000mg but the bottle says you can take up to three a day that would be 3000mg. It is like eating alot of fish so you could take alot more I would think. The kind I have has no metals in it or anything that you could overdose on so taking as much as won't make you sick could be okay but there is such a things as to much of a good thing.
I think I will start taking the three a day after reading that it is good for inflamation.
Could you please advise me, i have a 6 year old son who suffers from poor attention span and very low concentration, what would you recomend he take.
I'm taking 10,000 mg per day of fish oil.
I have a severe case of tennis elbow and it is helping with inflammation. I just hope I'm not taking too much.
I am intrested to know if taking Fish Oil Capsules will improve my skin. I suffred from mild acne and due to it I have a little scaring and am hoping it will help improve the scaring but unsure.
@jacki reeve:
How about a swift smack to the face? That'll get him back on track.
My 10 year old son has Bipolar and ADHD. I give him 2000 mg a day. (1080 mg EPA/340 mg DHA. It is doing wonders for him!!
I have RA in my right wrist. I take 50mg of Enbrel once a week, 2.5mg of Methotrexate 8 tablets wkly, 12.5mg of Hydrochorot 1 tablet daily. What would be the right amount of dosage to take of fish oil and mg?
Dear Author,
I like eating the fish: Mackerel, Salmon, Sardines; as it contains calcium (canned fish) and Vitamin D for my osteoporosis. What doseage of the fish would equate to a certain doseage of fish oil?
Thank you!
Dear Author,
You stated being Moleculally Distilled was a bad thing therefore why is New Vitality istilled in this fashion. I read your article and shared it with many, ordered New Vitality because it met all the good criteria THEN I see that New Vitality is molecurally Distilled-so can u clarify ?
Thank you
Can you substantiate your claims with a veritable source? I know I- as well as many other readers, won't believe a thing on the Internet unless it was shown to come from a credible source. (especially with advertisements along the top and side of the page)
I have been taking 1000mg of Niacin a day for my Cholesterol and it has been good. Now a new doctor added 4000 mg fishoil. He told me that my HDL is off setting my LDL. I forgot to tell him that I am also taking a baby asperin a day.
Am I making a mistake?
thank you.
If you are or were using fish oil, krill oil, flaxseed oil or coconut oil please share your experiences with us and write a testimonial on the results and effects of particular oil on your health.
On Fish Oil
On Flaxseed Oil
On Krill Oil
On Blackcurrant Oil
Many thanks!
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