Carlson Fish Oil

Carlson Fish Oil is rated among the best Fish oils. The fish oil is recognized for a number of health benefits for the human body. It supplies the essential fatty acids in the body. The omega3 fatty acids are effective to prevent a number of health problems. The mostly important omega3 fatty acids found in the fish oil are EPA and DHA. It is helpful to prevent the cardiovascular problems, inflammation, colon health and effective for the proper development of brain.

The fish oil of Carlson laboratory is rated among the best fish oils. This oil comes from the cold water fishes that are found in the deep Norwegian water. It is refined and packed in Norway in order to make sure that the Carlson fish oil is fresh. The Carlson fish oil is extracted through a safe process that is called molecular distillation. In this process the oil is separated from the tissues by decreasing the temperature and no chemical is used in this process. It is the best method as it not only ensures the freshness but also ensures that there is no chemical contamination in the oil. It is a scientifically proven process that removes every toxin and other contaminating elements found crude oil extracted from the fleshes of the fish.

All products from the Carlson Lab are tested regularly by using the AOAC international protocol to ensure freshness, potency and purity. The process of testing is performed by an independent, FDA registered laboratory. It is determined in the test that the products are free of detectable level of mercury, cadmium, lead, and PCB’s and many others contaminate. In addition to the EPA and DHA omega3 acids, the fish oil is a good source of vitamin E and some other vitamins as well.

Carlson fish oil comes in many different categories. It provides the choice to the customer. The following are some popular categories of Carlson fish oil:

Carlson fish oil 16.8 fl oz:

This is one of the best category finest oil which has maximum freshness. It has a lemon test and packed in Norway, the oil is extracted from the cold water fish in the deep Norwegian waters.

Carlson fish oil super omega3

This is an especially designed for the people who do not eat the oily fish. The Carlson super omega 3 is an easy to swallow and soft gelatin capsule contains special concentrate of fish body oils from the deep, cold water. The super omega3 can be consumed by the vegetarian people also.

Carlson fish oil Q-60

Carlson fish oil Q-60 is specially designed dose to help people to get healthy heart. It is rich is EPA and DHA and contains co-enzymes Q10 and carnitine that are very effective for the better health of heart.

These are some popular categories of the Carlson fish oil. It is well refined and pure oil that is not only fresh but also has best concentration of omega3 acids that are effective to protect a number of health problems. it is better to take these supplements according to the prescription of the doctor.

29.09.2007. 14:03


Moontide 26.08.2009. 09:56

Usage relieves the brain from getting in RUTS. This was proven to me by direct experience and related by another who stopped usage and returned to same after experiencing depression.

Cheyenne 13.03.2010. 22:46

Carlson's Fish Oils are the best on the market, as well as all their supplements. I only take the best and give my family the best!

HankB 01.02.2011. 07:27

About halfway down the main page of this website (, it states explicity that "The fish oil should not have been molecularly distilled. Molecularly distilling oxidizes and alters the natural form of the oil." It goes on to say that it's used on polluted fish.

Carlson's fish oils are molecularly distilled - and they tout one of the benefits as "removes every toxin and other contaminating elements . . ."

So according to the main page of this website, Carlson's is actually one to avoid.

Hmmmmm . . . .

Eddie 02.02.2011. 13:26

@Hank, IMHO the point is this:
- molecularly distilled fish oil is pollution free and the safest fish oil out there
- fish oil that isn't molecularly distilled retains more of the original benefits but can be potentially hazardous because of the pollution.

I don't think the second one is worth the risk?

linda kelley 25.04.2011. 13:59

I am interested in knowing if your fish oil is re-esterified or is in the ethyl ester form. I have read the stucdies on Nordic Natural's site that show that the re-esterified form is 70% better absorbed. Can you clarify your extraction methods and comment on this quesiton.
Linda Kelley

john 31.05.2011. 01:21

What species of fish is your product derived from?

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