29.09.2007. 14:03
Usage relieves the brain from getting in RUTS. This was proven to me by direct experience and related by another who stopped usage and returned to same after experiencing depression.
Carlson's Fish Oils are the best on the market, as well as all their supplements. I only take the best and give my family the best!
About halfway down the main page of this website (www.fishoilbenefit.net), it states explicity that "The fish oil should not have been molecularly distilled. Molecularly distilling oxidizes and alters the natural form of the oil." It goes on to say that it's used on polluted fish.
Carlson's fish oils are molecularly distilled - and they tout one of the benefits as "removes every toxin and other contaminating elements . . ."
So according to the main page of this website, Carlson's is actually one to avoid.
Hmmmmm . . . .
@Hank, IMHO the point is this:
- molecularly distilled fish oil is pollution free and the safest fish oil out there
- fish oil that isn't molecularly distilled retains more of the original benefits but can be potentially hazardous because of the pollution.
I don't think the second one is worth the risk?
I am interested in knowing if your fish oil is re-esterified or is in the ethyl ester form. I have read the stucdies on Nordic Natural's site that show that the re-esterified form is 70% better absorbed. Can you clarify your extraction methods and comment on this quesiton.
Linda Kelley
What species of fish is your product derived from?
If you are or were using fish oil, krill oil, flaxseed oil or coconut oil please share your experiences with us and write a testimonial on the results and effects of particular oil on your health.
On Fish Oil
On Flaxseed Oil
On Krill Oil
On Blackcurrant Oil
Many thanks!
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