Did you know that you can improve your dogs health by supplementing its diet with different fatty acids? Fatty acids will prove benefits beyond just normal dog foods. Fish oil for dogs and flexseed oil for dogs are two sources of these acids that you can add to your dogs diet.
Dogs and cats as well as humans are unable to produce fatty acids themselves so they must be gotten from other sources - from food. Dogs that are fed strictly processed foods can be deficient in omega-3 fatty acids since the processed foods are usually not very rich with these. The same actually goes for most of the "home cooked" foods that pets are fed with.
On one hand fish oil can help your dog with some existing health problems and on the other hand the lack of fatty acids can actually lead to health problems.
Omegas are anti-inflammatory. That means that they help your dog with arthritic problems by reducing inflammation of tissues and allowing more movement for activity. Actually omega 3 fatty acids are beneficial to either cat or dog or any other pets. Getting the right form of omega fatty acids in the form of flaxseed oil or fish oil for dogs are crucial to this.
Linoleic acid from these oils is can do wonders for skin health of your dog. It may even help reducing some types of cancers (reduce cancer cell formation) when used with other medications.
Fish oil also promotes healthy kidneys, heart, and lowers the cholesterol levels in your dog, and can boost the immune system which can make skin and hair healthier. Skin and hair conditions of dogs are some of the first indicators of a health problem so pay close attention to these.
Improper dosages of omega 6 fatty acids can actually cause inflammation and that is something no pet needs. It can also lead to weakened immune system.
Proper dosage is important when it comes to pets so pay attention to it. This is especially important with flaxseed oil. Too much can cause runny stools in dogs and cats. But if your dog is constipated it can off course help if used in in lesser doses. Consult your veterinary about the proper dosage as they can be quite different because of the different weights and sizes of various dog breeds but a good rule of thumb is to give 1000mg per 30lbs of the dog's weight. The problem with flaxseed oil is also that dogs lack an enzyme to convert it from inactive to active for optimum usage. So it is usggested that you rather use fish oil for dogs.
One form of fish oil that is very good for dogs is wild salmon oil. Salmon oil has the highest amount of omegas than any other cold water fish so this is the premier choice. Testing is done to make sure the mercury level is below allowable levels and most supplements are well below them. Most dogs love the taste, too. It can give the dog various degrees of fishy odor, but reduction in amounts given can help with that.
These were the main benefits of fish oil for dogs. We hope you enjoy many happy moments with your pet.
17.09.2010. 00:58
great info thanks
If you are or were using fish oil, krill oil, flaxseed oil or coconut oil please share your experiences with us and write a testimonial on the results and effects of particular oil on your health.
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